Broughton Lubricants are proud, and extremely excited, to launch their unique new fluid management tool - Fluid Command.
Fluid Command can be used to monitor the metalworking fluids in your machines. The software allows you to store all of your coolant check data in one place for ease of management, which will more than satisfy your HSE requirements.
Customer Feedback: “we had our BSI 9001: 2015 audit last week, and they were very impressed with the software and the data collected that we showed them”.
The traffic light graph system allows you to quickly identify machines in need of attention. You can also use the tool to identify positive/negative trends in coolant performance and generate a job list based on the most recent set of results entered.
Fluid Command is set up by one of our Sales Engineers, who will input all of the data from your machine shop. All of the relevant parameters will be entered within a range tailored to your requirements. Making it simple to identify areas in need of attention.
If you would like to speak to one of our technical sales engineers about the benefits Insight Analysis could bring to your business, please email sales@broughtonlubricants.co.uk