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SKU 1975G


KableKote 431 is a reversible protective grease primarily intended for corrosion protection of overhead conductor and structural cables including steel cored aluminium. The product gives long term protection by hot dip application (140°C recommended) or by cold smearing. Rec-ommended thicknesses are 0.5 to 5mm. Subject to weather conditions the expected life span of approximately 20 years. Typical coverage is 2 square metres per litre at 0.5mm.

- Unique multi-metal corrosion inhibition system
- Eliminates galvanic corrosion.
- Stays in place on the cable
- High resistance to creep at high temperatures.
- Easy application by hot dipping.

Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
£109.80 £91.50


Product specification details
Hazardous Materials No